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ক Local Startup Safari

Tag: Restaurant and Cafe

Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

The unique selling point of ক Local is their Family and Pub Fusion Ambience with its add on QR System menu card. Also, the ambience supporting the Kolkata infrastructures and heritage with the picture of 
Howrah bridge.


Their major competitors are other pubs and clubs proposing …

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Craft Coffee Startup Safari

Tag: Restaurant and Cafe

USP (Unique Selling Proposition):

Our unique selling point is the extensive range of coffee types we offer, from single-origin brews to unique flavor infusions, catering to a diverse range of coffee preferences and tastes.

Competitor (Starbucks):

Although we compete with Starbucks, we set ourselves apart by prioritizing a personalized and …

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Food Bay Startup Safari

Tag: Restaurant and Cafe

Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

Unlike regular street vendors, food bay is a sea themed startup which offers all kind of seafoods in a street food style. What’s unique in this startup is its marine ambience and street vending style. It offers a wide range of seafoods, including rare items like …

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Mugs & Shots Startup Safari

Tag: Restaurant and Cafe

Mugs & Shots

Unique Selling Proposition (USP):
Mugs & Shot is unique for its Bar and Café ambience. Unlike most of the 
bars, what makes it unique is its club like environment mixing up with 
the café style. It offers wide range of foods and beverages and with 
additional, it gives hookah service too. 

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