28 Jan, 2024 01:24 AM
Unique Selling Proposition (USP):
The unique selling point of ক Local is their Family and Pub Fusion Ambience with its add on QR System menu card. Also, the ambience supporting the Kolkata infrastructures and heritage with the picture of
Howrah bridge.
Their major competitors are other pubs and clubs proposing similar ideas like Club Loca, Canteen Pub and Club, etc.
Target Audiences:
Their target customers are young adults and family looking for an exciting ambience suitable with both family and friends.
Established at 2018, ক Local had to face many marketing challenges. Being a new brand, they had to let others know them for which, they had
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to focus in their marketing and branding strategies to overcome those challenges.
They have introduced the factors that, ক Local is not just a bar and dining where its always about clubbing and partying with alcohol but, they have encouraged the factor that families can enjoy their ambience too by providing lot of family fusions for them so that, people can enjoy and relax with their family while dining out.
They have performed many promotional activities to promote their startup in Kolkata. They not only promoted the startup but, also the heritage of Kolkata.
Biz Model:
ক Local follows with the restaurant, lounge and kitchen business model.