28 Jan, 2024 05:19 AM
Unique Selling Proposition (USP):
Melorra Jewellery's unique selling points are twofold. Firstly, their designs are exceptionally unique, setting them apart from others in the market. Secondly, their jewelry is incredibly lightweight, making it suitable for daily wear and versatile use. This focus on lightweight, versatile, and unique designs positions them as a distinct brand in the jewelry industry.
Target Customers:
Melorra Jewellery primarily targets working women who seek lightweight and versatile jewelry for daily wear. Additionally, they cater to bridal and party wear, making their jewelry suitable for special occasions.
Melorra Jewellery differentiates itself by claiming to have no direct competitors, especially because they are a part of Tanishq. Their designs are unique and distinct, setting them apart from other jewelry brands. Furthermore, their constant introduction of 75 different designs every week keeps their offerings fresh and appealing.
One of the main challenges Melorra Jewellery faces is brand recognition, particularly in Kolkata. Overcoming this challenge may require extensive marketing and brand-building efforts to establish a strong presence in the local market. However, their unique designs and lightweight jewelry can serve as compelling selling points to attract customers once awareness grows.
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with local influencers and fashion bloggers in Kolkata to promote the brand's unique designs and lightweight jewelry. Word-of-mouth endorsements can boost local awareness.